Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring is in the air, finally!

Today was almost Spring like, hooray!!
Sarah was on break last week, we had fun shopping, getting our nails done, and crafting; it was great to have her home.  She has been doing so well, (knock on wood) it was really a pleasure to have her home.  For the first time in a long while, I felt like "my Sarah" was back.  We ended the week by going to the Fighting Children's Cancer Foundation dinner, it was nice to get dressed up; we were so proud of Sarah when she accepted her scholarship with the other cancer survivors.  Being with other families that have recently been through what our family has been through, was both comforting and sad.  There are too many cases of cancer,  in both children and adults; organizations like this one give people hope and much needed help.  I am looking forward to helping with future events.

Sarah is well on her way to reaching her goal in the upcoming Relay for Life at Ramapo College.  Many thanks to all who have helped her and donated to this worthy cause.

Zen and Greg have spent the past week building a computer!  They tried to explain, but I really don't understand.  I am just happy that Greg is happy, and the computer allows him to do his programming and game designing.

On Monday we celebrated Passover with the Scannella's, it was a memorable evening as always.  Good friends and good food, nothing better than that!

This weekend is Easter, looking forward to seeing the "sistas" and their families.  All going to Connecticut for a short but much anticipated family gathering.

That's all for now,
M  :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring ??

Yesterday was the first day of spring, so why does it still feel like winter?  It was only 34 degrees today with no sun to be seen, getting really tired of gray skies.  Sarah has been home this week on "Spring" break, despite the weather we have been enjoying ourselves.  We have shopped until dropping, looking for the perfect dress for her sorority formal.  Found a beautiful black dress at Nordstroms, fit like a glove and on sale, everybody happy!  Then it was off to find shoes for this weekend; we have a "gala" fundraiser to attend on Saturday evening that raises money for children with cancer.  Sarah applied for, and was awarded a scholarship from the Fighting Childhood Cancer Foundation.  We both found new black shoes, also on sale, we are all set.  Just in case...... we went shopping again, for a purple dress; this new addition, along with what is already in her closet,  has Sarah prepared for all upcoming social gatherings.  She decided to "model" all of her choices, with me as photographer, so she could get input from aunts, cousins and friends.  During the photo shoot we noticed that one of the new dresses still had a security tag attached, #!^&*+_!, you guessed it, today we had to go back to the Short Hills Mall to get the offending tag removed.  While there we saw our friend, Amy, at the Clinique counter for much needed makeovers.  From there we went grocery shopping at Kings, where we dazzled everyone with our newly made up faces.  When we finally got back home, we did an art project, made tacos for dinner, ate, and now I am ready for a rest!  Sarah is doing homework, Greg is at school, Zen is at the Club, and I am about to start a new knitting project; all is well in our little corner of the world!

photo shoot

Recently finished Knitting projects:

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Greetings friends,

Last post I was waiting for snow to begin; it started, stopped and melted all in 2 days! 
Today I am looking at the gray sky, watching the rain fall, and wishing for sunshine.

This past weekend was exciting, Sarah had lots of good news to report.
(can you guess which one is most important??)
1. Raising so much money for Ramapo's Relay for Life, she has to keep upping her goal $.
2. She has a date for Sorority Formal!
3. No more headache.
4. Awarded a Howard Honigfeld Scholarship for child cancer survivors.
5. Had a great time at sorority karaoke/dance fundraiser.
6. Date for formal = a new dress!
7. Date for formal = new shoes!
8. Date for formal = $$
9. Date for formal = :) :) :)
10. Studying for midterms :(
11. Almost spring break :)
12. Did I mention, she has a date for formal!!!!!!!

Oh to be 20 again, and so excited about life!

My weekend:
Cleaned house, did laundry, put shelf together with Greg; ( Greg started putting shelf together, Zen gave advice, Greg stopped putting shelf together, I decided to put shelf together myself, shelf not going together, Zen not interested in helping, leaves for club,  convince Greg to help again, Greg annoyed that I can't follow directions, 3 hours later damn shelf finally together, laundry room  organized),  dinner with friends, did more laundry, admired shelf, watched Downton Abby marathon, did lots of knitting, considered exercising, knit some more!

Realized that I am happy to not be 20 anymore, and decided I will never put together another shelf!


Thursday, March 7, 2013

waiting for snow

Thursday morning, drinking coffee and waiting for the predicted snow to start falling!  Fortunately, I have lots of yarn to keep me entertained if/when it does.  Sarah was home on Tuesday night, it was great to see her in person and not Face-Time.  We all had dinner together, a rare occurrence these days with Sarah away and Greg at class 3 nights a week,  it is usually just Zen and me at the counter.  I miss family dinners and catching up with my "grown-up" kids!   

I went to the eye doctor on Monday, now I have to see a retina specialist, will it never end?  I need these eyes to work properly, seeing "floaters" interrupts my knitting and driving.  My "seeing-eye husband" is tired of chauffeuring me around.  

I guess I should stop staring at the computer screen and give my eyes a rest.
Bye for now :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Catching Up

Happy Monday Morning!

I have spent the last week going through closets, doing the annual "almost spring" clean-up.  Feels good to purge, even got rid of some old knitting projects.  I have to admit that some of my early knitting attempts  needed to go.  Trying hard to convince Zen and Greg to do some closet purging, without much luck I might add; those two really hate getting rid of things.  I also spent time catching up with friends, going out to lunch and/or dinner; nothing better than good friends, good conversations, and good food!

Sarah is doing very well.  I am so proud of her, she is trying to put the past behind her and get on with her life.  Fundraising for Relay for Life has been an empowering experience for her, she is fighting cancer in a positive way.  Thanks to all who have helped her in this endeavor, with a month left to go she is well on her way to meeting her goal!

My eyes have been bothering me again, so I have taken a short break from knitting.  I am anxious to begin using some of my "stash" of light weight yarns for my ever growing list of spring/summer knitting projects.   Thanks to Ravelry, (a great knitting website)  the list keeps getting longer.

That's all my news for now. Keep Smiling!