Thursday, May 23, 2013

Happy 21st Birthday Sarah

Today we celebrate Sarah's much anticipated 21st birthday!!
She is happy, healthy, home and ready to party.  Big difference from last year when we spent her birthday in the hospital.  Her friends have arrived, and it is wonderful to have a house full of  smiling, happy young women; all getting ready for dinner at the club.

We have so much to be happy and thankful for.  Sarah finished her first semester back at school and is home for the summer.  She has applied for a camp job, and is anxiously waiting to hear if she has been hired.  She has settled into a routine, and is happy to be home, at least for now.  Sarah's last MRI on May 15, 2013 was clear; hip hip hooray!  Dr. M says all is good, she is doing well.  We are in the process of scheduling her port removal (next week) yeah, and her shots (all the childhood inoculations were wiped out during stem cell transplant and have to be given again), not so happy about this one.  MRI's will still be every 3 months, which I am happy about, even if Sarah is not.  I can't imagine how neurotic I will be when they are spaced further apart.

Greg is also done with school for the summer and has been working every weekend.  He is slowly adjusting to once again sharing the bathroom with his sister, and listening to her sing when she showers.

Zen is still recuperating from his leg injury, hand surgery and an unidentified  arm ache.  He has been a good patient, but is missing playing golf!  Hopefully all pains will be gone soon so he can spend his days on the golf course (please).

I have been sorting, organizing and packing away "college stuff" and winter clothing.  Space bags are my new favorite toy,  I love vacuuming the air out!  (Pathetic I know).

Almost time to get ready to go to dinner, unfortunately the weather is not cooperating, it is thundering and pouring rain outside, but the party must go on, so off we go to brave the elements!

Pictures coming soon.

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