Saturday, September 22, 2012


Back again. I survived Sarah's testing, in spite of the fact that she would not let me leave the room. I sat quietly for 3 hours, trying not to distract her, all the while listening to the Doctor. I came to the realization that I have no memory what-so-ever!!!! Speaking of memory, happy birthday to Caryn and Michele on 9/20, Chris on 9/21, and Jessie today! They all received Dammit Dolls, hand-made by me.
It was a stress relief for me, just to make them. As previously promised, here are the pictures. (Taken by me, and not so great.)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I am sitting in an office, waiting, while Sarah takes a neuro/cognitive test.  I am not supposed to be in the room, but Sarah demanded that I stay.  She is furious with me for "making" her  do this, she took it in January, but she was very sick then.  This test will help determine whether she needs any extra time on her school work.  So basically this testing will benefit her in the future.  I know she is mad at me because I did not  consult her about the timing of this test, at least that is how she remembers it.
The car ride here almost put me over the edge, it took over an hour of sitting in traffic to get here, it should have taken no more than 20 minutes!!  While sitting in traffic we listened to music, there was a song with lyrics that went, "I feel like I am living someone else's life" that is how I feel most days.  I have trouble recognizing myself sometimes, how did I get to this place ?  Why can't I make my kids happy, no matter how hard I try ?  What happened to my "empty nest?" it feels so crowded at times, I just want to jump out and run away.  I can't and I won't, but boy would I like to!!  Which brings me to a discovery I made yesterday; I was searching the Internet and stumbled upon something called, "Dammit Dolls". They are these cute little rag dolls, accompanied by a poem, that help you release stress and frustrations ! Sounds perfect for me, so I made my own pattern, searched through my stash of fabric, and in about 2 hours I had 3 new little friends!! I will post pictures when I get back home.
Back to the here and now; being back at Overlook Hospital brings to mind so many memories of the past 9 months.  Some days it feels like an eternity has passed since that fateful day back in January, other days it feels like time is standing still.  I wish I could better express how unbelievable this time has been.  While I know how much has been accomplished since Sarah's diagnosis, there are days when I feel like someone has pushed the "pause" button on my life.  The only comfort I have, is knowing that Sarah is so much better, so I must have been doing something productive, even though some days it doesn't feel that way.  Any way, those are all the things that I am pondering, while I wait and silently watch Sarah take this series of tests.  I really need a cup of coffee, I wonder how she will react if I leave for a few minutes?  Any guesses???  I'll let you know.  :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday 9/17/12

After a rocky start, our weekend in Saratoga turned out to be very nice. Zen spent a lot of time with my dad, which gave me a chance to get out with my mom without rushing. We went to some of our favorite shops, walked around, and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Sarah stayed with the "boys" on Saturday, doing homework and watching baseball. We took Sarah for thai food that night, it was great to watch her happily eat her favorite food ! Sunday, we girls shopped again while Zen stayed with dad and supervised the "cable repairman". My parents have been having a lot of trouble with their phone and Internet service, fortunately it is all fixed now, new phones and all! We left for home after watching the Giants win, and the Jets lose; road construction slowed us down, but we still made it home by 10 pm. Greg got home shortly after we did, accidentally setting off the house alarm, never a dull moment around here !!

Today, Sarah and I went to see Dr. S, she is the doctor who delivered both Sarah and Greg. She went over blood test results, and reassured both of us that Sarah was doing well, and looking great. I even slipped in a personal question about hot flashes, they can last for 10 years, Sorry I asked !

Time for bed, good night all :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday 9/14/12

Greetings from Saratoga Springs! Seems like I was just here, but it has been a couple of weeks. Zen, Sarah and I arrived this afternoon/early evening, just in time to witness one of Dad's "episodes" as my mom calls it.
Basically he is confused and non- responsive, this lasted for about 2 hours, and I have to admit it is both sad and a little scary to watch. As he started coming out of it, he was able to talk to us; he knows something was wrong, but he is not sure what happened. I feel terrible for both my dad and my mom, I am glad we were here, even if all we could offer was moral support.
Back on the home front we have been sprucing up the yard, catching up on some long over due trimming and mulching.
Both Greg and Sarah are busy with school work, Zen is busy with "club" stuff, and I have been busy knitting , cleaning, and organizing. Sarah had a couple of doctor appointments this past week, so we have been busy. I did manage to finally get my hair cut this week, (thanks Lisa!). Next week is another busy week of appointments with Sarah, but I am definitely going to get back on track with regular blog posts, so be on the lookout for some new pictures and updates.
Bye for now. :)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sunday September 2.

Hi, did you miss me?
The past 18 days have actually been really busy. Sarah got a new laptop, and I got her old one; that meant several days of no computer while we played musical chairs with all of our data. We had to back up files, transfer files, and make several trips to the Apple store to get both laptops up to date and ready to use. Sarah and I also made a quick trip to Saratoga, to see mom and dad, and Donna, Ellie and Teddy. Teddy's leg was still bandaged; the infection is getting better, but still has a long way to go. The kids had fun; we even had a surprise visit from my cousin John and his family, which made dad very happy!
While we were away, Greg went to Donna and Scott's house to spend time with Scott, Grant and Johnny, somehow he ended up staying for a week!! Zen of course stayed home and played golf, happy for some peace and quiet.
Before we knew it, August was coming to an end, and September and school started. Greg is taking 4 classes and commuting. He has decided to change his major to game design, and is looking forward to his classes. Sarah is taking 2 online classes, and is looking forward to doing schoolwork and getting that brain of hers up and running! Her doctors thought it would be a good idea to give her brain a "test drive" minus the pressure; they also changed one of her medications, and it seems to be working. She is dealing with everything much better, in fact she has been quite entertaining lately.
I am almost afraid to say it; but life around the Dawidowicz house seems to be approaching something that looks like normal!
Happy Labor Day