Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"Just One More". 2/7/12

Hi all, Well the day started off calmly, Sarah enjoyed her French toast and hard boiled eggs, I enjoyed my very large coffee! We were scheduled to meet with the social workers at 10:30am, but low and behold there were new tests to be taken. I went with Sarah, upstairs for a pulmonary function test, where she had to breath into a large machine. I took pictures, but will let her post them. Then we were off to another test, called a MUGA, Sarah had to have dye injected into her port, and then pictures taken of her heart. The tech let me stay with her, he told me I had nothing to worry about, the machine was not radioactive, only my child!! Of course there was also a lot of waiting in hallways, all Sarah wanted to do was watch the Giants Parade, but alas that was not in the plan. We finally got back to her room at 1pm, where her ice cold lunch was waiting for her. Thankfully the great patient advocate was able to get her a hot grilled cheese sandwich! I went to get food too, and brought her back a soda and chips, after the morning she had, she deserved it. The nurse then came into start a new chemo drug, ara-c, that had to run for 3 hours, and then again 12 hours later, so we already know they will be waking us up at 3am. We actually got to watch part of the Giants award ceremony, so the day was not all bad! The social workers came back, and speaking for myself, I thought it was great to talk to someone about all that has been going on. Yesterday marked 1 month since we first found ourselves at the hospital, unbelievable is the only word to describe what this past month has been like. We had just settled down with our knitting,(sarah is getting really good) when Dr. M paid us a visit. He wanted to get just one more test in tonight! Needless to say Sarah was not happy It took awhile to convince her that a bone marrow test was absolutely necessary. The test was done right here in the room, Sarah was really brave, she is one tough young lady, mom, not so much. Sarah was sedated, so she says it only hurt a little, watching, hurt a lot. I still can't believe what my child is and will be going through, but I am not allowed to be too "mushy" according to Sarah! So now it is 7:30 pm and we are waiting for Zen to come with today's mail and an update on the painting. I think I might have recovered enough from the test to eat something before our 8 pm show comes on. Oh, and let us not forget, tomorrow morning Sarah has "just one more" test, a PET Scan at 8 am. The fun just never ends. M

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