Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday 9/14/12

Greetings from Saratoga Springs! Seems like I was just here, but it has been a couple of weeks. Zen, Sarah and I arrived this afternoon/early evening, just in time to witness one of Dad's "episodes" as my mom calls it.
Basically he is confused and non- responsive, this lasted for about 2 hours, and I have to admit it is both sad and a little scary to watch. As he started coming out of it, he was able to talk to us; he knows something was wrong, but he is not sure what happened. I feel terrible for both my dad and my mom, I am glad we were here, even if all we could offer was moral support.
Back on the home front we have been sprucing up the yard, catching up on some long over due trimming and mulching.
Both Greg and Sarah are busy with school work, Zen is busy with "club" stuff, and I have been busy knitting , cleaning, and organizing. Sarah had a couple of doctor appointments this past week, so we have been busy. I did manage to finally get my hair cut this week, (thanks Lisa!). Next week is another busy week of appointments with Sarah, but I am definitely going to get back on track with regular blog posts, so be on the lookout for some new pictures and updates.
Bye for now. :)

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