Saturday, January 21, 2012

January 20, 2012

Dear Family and Friends,

Sarah started her treatment today at the outpatient infusion center at Overlook Hospital.
My beautiful "baby" was a trooper.  Hopefully this was her last IV, Monday she will have a chest port put in, and remain in the hospital for 5 days of treatment.  The port will make getting the treatments much easier on her veins and her piece of mind.  She was the youngest patient by far today, and in my opinion the cutest.  As an outpatient, you sit in a lounge chair in the infusion center, and the nurses administer the IV "cocktail" of the day. Today's combo took about 4 hours.  Sarah's eyes are feeling much better so she was able to read a book!  I of course knit!!  Since I can't concentrate on a big project right now, I decided to start making hats to leave at the center for patients who may need them.  This weekend we are going to attempt some normalcy, hopefully take the Christmas decorations down, and get up to Sacred Heart University to collect Sarah's things.  As I am typing, I can hear Sarah and Greg laughing over a TV show, this of course brings tears to my eyes.  Greg is staying home this semester, going to community college, looking for a job, and keeping us entertained.
The "Notebook" had a few more pages added today, more prescriptions and instructions. It is filled with new words that have now become part of my everyday vocabulary;  diagnosis, prognosis, inpatient, outpatient, infusion, treatment, protocol, neurology, neurosurgeon, oncologist, tumor, lymphoma, cancer, chemotherapy, medical directive, power of attorney, blood count, transfusion, stem-cell, etc.  
Some of you asked, PCNSL, stands for: primary central nervous system Lymphoma. This is, according to all the doctors who saw the MRI, CAT Scans, and pathology reports, the best diagnosis we could have hoped for. Who would have thought????? 
My "therapy" is knitting, and writing about our journey to keep you all up-to-date.  Sorry, but I just can't repeat the story over and over on the phone.  This doesn't mean we don't want to hear from you.  Your phone calls, well-wishes, e-mails, cards and prayers are always appreciated!  
Sarah's treatments will continue over a period of 16 weeks; 1 week in the hospital, 1 week, and weekends home. 
Visitors are always welcome and appreciated! Just give us a call to make sure we are not sleeping.


outpatient treatment #1

1 comment:

  1. Those patients will be so lucky to receive your beautiful hats! Thinking of you, Sarah, Greg and Uncle Zen. Love, Jessie
