Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Numbers Game. January 26, 2012

Those of you who really know Sarah, know that she is not a fan of math and numbers. Ironically, our days are now filled with numbers! Number of ounces in, number of ounces out; time and milligrams of next medication; time until next vitals check; time of next blood test; hours until next test results come in; how long before next doctor or nurse comes in with more information; all of those variables added together determines the time we get to go home!!!!! The numbers get checked and tallied as we count down the minutes, hours, days and nights that we are in this hospital room. For recreation we count how many loops around the nurses station we can walk (3); how many books we read (1 & 1/2); pages colored(a lot); games played; texts received( thousands); texts sent(hundreds); and of course hats knit(4).
Unless the numbers lie, we are counting down: 1 more meal, 1 more blood test, 1 more dose of meds, and hopefully (fingers crossed) 3 more hours until we walk up 2 flights of stairs to our waiting car and drive the 20.2 miles to our home! Once home we will try and relax, and enjoy our freedom, with the comfort of having 1 treatment down and only 7 more to go over the next 15 weeks. We will try not to count the 8 days/192 hours/11,520 minutes/691,200 seconds until we start again!
Thanks for marking the time with us, the number of wonderful family members and friends that brighten our days makes the waiting more bearable.
Time to pack, bye for today.

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