Hi all, this is the 3rd time I am trying to write the same entry! I can not figure out why every time I hit publish, everything disappears. Maybe it is because Sarah and I are sharing the iPad. If it does not work this time, you won't be hearing from me until I get home! Here's a summary of what I remember.
Tuesday- Started with Sarah still having the mystery fever. I got up, dressed, and went for coffee. The ID Doctor came to check on Sarah and report that all tests so far were negative. Joyce came in at 12:30 to tell us that Dr. M said it was all right to start the chemo, of course it is a long process, so it did not really begin until 3:30pm. But we were happy anyway because once it starts, the end is in sight. We had a relaxing afternoon, Sarah read the "Hunger Games" and I read magazines and knit. When the fever broke, Sarah was soaked, so she got washed up and I changed her sheets. At 8pm Zen and Greg showed up for "the changing of the guard", Greg was tired, so I had to drive home! Called Sarah and Zen to say goodnight, and by 9pm I was sound asleep.
Wednesday- Woke up early and got ready to go for laser eye procedure. Took a few tries to wake up my chauffeur, aka Greg, but he was ready quickly and off we went. The laser procedure went well, and before I knew it we were back home and I was re-packing for the hot hospital. I went to lunch with friends for Lisa's birthday, and then off to Short Hills Mall with Caryn. I picked up facial cleanser for myself and popcorn shrimp for Sarah, and then Caryn took me back to the hospital for the switch with Zen. Sarah ate her shrimp and took a nap while I knit, before I knew it, it was 6:30 pm and time for my mini massage. I bought dinner for myself and a healthy snack of French fries for Sarah, we ate and then got washed up and ready to watch 2 tortuous hours of American Idol. By 10pm the "Wednesday Night Blues" had set in and I had to climb in bed with my baby until she fell asleep!
Thursday- We awoke to a parade of nurses, aides, food service, and housekeeping staff all coming in to get their morning work done. Dr. G, the ID doctor came to tell us that all the blood tests were negative, but Sarah does have a slight bacterial infection in her intestines. This means more medicine when we go home to prevent it from developing into something worse. Speaking of home, guess who has started singing her "I want to go home" song?? I have to go for a quick follow up eye exam, hopefully when I get back, Sarah will be in a good mood and prepared to stay until the doctors spring us!
My eyes are actually doing great!!!! It is nice to see finally see clearly.
That's it for now.
P.S. In the ongoing race to see who can send the most mail to Sarah, we have a 3-way tie between Grandma, Cioci Helen, and cousin Marybeth. Keep up the good work ladies, it is very much appreciated!