Friday, March 23, 2012

Hi everyone,
Today I got up late, drank coffee, tried to get Sarah up, showered, tried to get Sarah up again, got dressed, dried hair, asked Zen to get Sarah up, threw snacks and knitting in a bag, listened to Sarah complain about getting up, left house for hospital and doctors appointment, arrived at hospital by 9:10 am!!  Sarah got checked in and got her vitals checked, went to an examination room where Sarah twirled around on the doctor's bench, almost falling off, we met with Dr. M. and kept questions to a minimum as per Miss Cranky Pants, then off to infusion center for treatment.  Sarah read and listened to music, I read, knit, and dozed off for a while, Zen went to the mall!  We arrived home about 2:30 pm, realized we had not eaten yet today; Sarah had 4 waffles, I had a cheese omelet, fruit and the remains of a box of chocolate covered pretzels!  Tomorrow will definitely have to be an exercise day for me!  Once at home I opened some medical bills, added them to the growing pile, went on the computer, hooray! "Pinterest" sent me an invitation, so I joined and added pins to my boards.  Now I think I need a nap before dinner.  Bye for now.  M

P.S. Some great inspirational sayings I saw on Facebook today!

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