Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Complaints of the day

Afternoon all, minus the good. The complaint department will be closing soon, here are some of the days highlights: no sleep last night, lots of beeping monitors, visits from nurses,and lack of comfortable beds. The result, 2 exhausted, crabby, sore ladies. Sarah is still feeling blah, but her ears and throat are not red, the methotrexate level is down, but so is her red blood count, so before we can leave the doctors strongly recommend a transfusion. Apparently I coeorced Sarah into agreeing to the transfusion, so now I am on her s**t list. I only agree to what the doctors want, never to what she wants, so I am ruining her life!! Big surprise! So Sarah is now sleeping, and I am sitting here trying to stay calm, which should be easy since apparently my life is perfect and stress free! I just pray we go home later, because my back can not take one more night in the "chair." For now I will go back to my knitting, and maybe contemplate more ways to "ruin" Sarah's life while doing everything Humanly possible to insure she has one!!! Bye for now, Maria

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