This morning I got up at 7 am, had coffee, checked e-mail, finished knitting project, updated Ravelry project page, and enjoyed some quiet time. Then at 9:45 am it started........."he touched me, his hands are dirty, he touched the refrigerator, freezer, toaster, door, etc. all with dirty germy hands!!!!!" "She squirted me with some kind of cleanser, she touched me, she is crazy/moody, my hands are clean!!!!" No I am not babysitting, or dreaming, this craziness was coming from my 19 and 21 year old "adult" children! I ignored them, and when that didn't work, I instituted the "silence if you want me to....????.... rule." All is now quiet, one is at school, the other cleaning! I am hiding in my office, planning an escape route if the chaos starts again. In the mean time, some photos of the knitting that I recently finished. M
shawl |
cotton towels |
"Crazy" Golf Club Cover |
In my defense, he started it!!