Tuesday, April 10, 2012

One down.......

Good morning from Overlook Hospital. I just woke up and walked up 2 flights of stairs in my old baggy sweatpants and flip-flops, to buy coffee, a large coffee! Last night I 'slept' on the sofa, needless to say, my neck is very sore this morning. Yesterday, Zen brought Sarah to the hospital in the morning, and got her settled into room 309 and played the waiting game with her. I spent the morning playing catch up around the house! Last week was so crazy with appointments and holidays, that very little got accomplished at home. Me being me, I could not leave without out doing the laundry and organizing the clutter into a more manageable state. I also baked cookies for Greg, and cooked ravioli to bring to Sarah for dinner. Finally arrived at the hospital at 4pm, Zen and Sarah were enjoying a visit with Beth and the girls. Sarah was anxiously waiting for her chemo to begin. The Caregivers Lounge was hopping last night, but thank goodness there was one time slot still available for me to get my neck massaged, Pam worked wonders and I was able to get some relief. When I got back to the room, I heated up our dinner and Sarah and I ate, but still no chemo! It is so frustrating to just wait, when you have been ready for hours! We all know the sooner you start, the sooner you can leave, so we were not happy! We watched our shows, and the clock, and finally after one false start the chemo started to flow, at 10pm. I know there is a process, and many different components involved in the actual mixing and administration of chemotherapy, but waiting more than 5 hours after your body is alkalined is just plain unacceptable!!! So after a frustrating evening of waiting, machines beeping, and a few hours of restless sleep, day one is over! Sarah is finally getting some much needed rest; late morning seems to be the best time for uninterrupted sleep. Spoke too soon, JJ came into to see how Sarah is doing and now she is awake! Not too bad, it is 9:45am so she got some rest. Today is another day of waiting, the leucovorin starts 24 hours after the chemo, so not until 10pm tonight!
That is all for now, Maria

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